F. Pearl McBroom, M.D.


Fletcher Pearl McBroom 1926 - 2004 Pearl with Marlon Brando and friends 1965
Fletcher Pearl Riley Mc Broom, M.D. was born in Louisville Mississippi, the eldest daughter of Thomas and
Augusta Riley. She grew up in Racine Wisconsin with her parents and younger sister Mary George. She
became an amazing student and musician, earning enough scholarships to put both she and her sister
through college. She was a brilliant Internist and Cardiologist specializing in Holistic and preventive
Medicine. She was also a gifted painter (and concert pianist in her youth).
She attended the University of Chicago (BA 1946), and received her Medical degree at New York¹s prestigious
Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons (BS 1949, MD 1953), where she met future husband,
Dr. Marcus S. W. McBroom, Ph.D. She did her internship at Bellevue Medical center in New York (1953-54)
where both she and Dr. Mc Broom did cardiac research; Columbia University Wing, Goldwater Hospital
(residency 1954-55).
They then traveled west, where Pearl went on to become one of the first female African American medical
students to complete graduate studies at both U.C.L.A. (residency 1955-57); and U.S.C. (fellowship cardiology
1957-58); NIH Grants, (research fellow 1958-62). F. Pearl Mc Broom, M.D. attained her specialty in Internal
Medicine and Cardiology (1958). She was on the board of directors at the Fredrick Douglass Child
Development center (1958-1962). She continued with Cardiovascular and preventive medical independent
research (1962-1987); became the West Los Angeles Medical Clinic director (1970-1980). She was a member
of the Associate AUM Society, University of Southern California (1986-87); and was the Marina Del Rey
California medical clinic director (1980-1993). Dr. McBroom was the medical consultant for the SPA
Revitalization Site, Nevis West Indies, Fiji Isle of Vulani, Cancun Mexico, Malibu Ca., San Diego Ca.,
and Everglades Florida (1993-95).
Following the death of her Mother in 1977, she began a life-long journey into the practice of Preventive
Medicine, utilizing Homeopathy, Reflexology, Chinese Medicine, nutrition, and cutting edge Energetic
Medical modalities to produce a stellar holistic Medical practice.
In her later years, she conducted research studies on Human Growth Hormone (HGH) with the founders
of the product Regenesis™, as well as extensive work in the field of Energetic medicine. This field utilized
medical computers (such as the Electro Acuscope, the Astro Pulse, and early versions of the QX among
many others); integrating the basics of Chinese medicine with computer innovations and quantum physics.
She was very dedicated to this work, and always being ahead of her time, speculated Energetic medicine
would become the medical standard of the future. Many practitioners in Southern California and Europe
have now adopted these diagnostic and treatment innovations into their medical practices. Her work in
preventive medicine was spectacular, in many cases eliminating the need for heart surgery and the
ongoing use of drug therapies.
She and husband Dr. Marcus McBroom prospered in the medical profession together during their early
years in practice. They had two daughters, Lorelei Joyce and Pamela Carol (a.k.a. Durga), and later
divorced. They remained friends and colleagues however, until his death in 2000.

Werner Erhard & Swami Muktananda
After working closely with Werner Erhard (founder of Landmark Education) and Swami Muktanada
Siddha Guru and meditation master, she incorporated her study of Siddha meditation, Buddhist
prayer and inner self-awareness to help people find their way back to health.

Dr. McBroom shared her techniques for treating the "whole person" in her research and practice.
She came to the conclusion that "conscious choice" along with "good old fashioned Christian faith"
could alter the state of one's wellbeing. Over the years, she worked in private practice in South
Central Los Angeles, Century City, Marina Del Rey and the Pacific Palisades Highlands until 2002.
She was recognized in Society with numerous honors and awards including the Fellow Associates
Clinical Investigators (1987), The George Carver Award, Trailblazer Award, and 1001 Women of
Achievement. She was written about in many varying publications, including Who's Who of America,
Who's Who of Women on America, Who's Who of African Americans, and the Royal Blue Book.
She passed away in 2004 of heart and respiratory failure. She is survived by her daughters Lorelei
and Pamela (a.k.a. Durga), and grandson Miles Litteral.
This once shy girl from the south, was a pioneer among women and a leader in the healing arts.
She is believed to be the first female African American cardiologist in private practice in the United
States. Her jubilant spirit, and innovative contributions to the world will be cherished and honored
for years to come!